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Welcome, penguins, to the most important thing all Club Penguin fans will need to know. And the most important thing I know.
You all surely know how Club Penguin Island is shutting down, and with it, ushering the end of the Club Penguin era?
Well. Yes. That is being saved. Listen closely to my instructions.


First of all, I'm going to give you a short tutorial on how to get onto this free-to-play game. It's only just opened. I'm not sure if you can still get the beta hat or not, but I logged in the very first hour of open beta.

On with the tutorial!
There is the official site in which you will use to register an account.

You must enter your parent or guardians email if you are under the age of 13. You will then get your parent or guardian to verify the email. Please tell them the email may end up under the 'spam' section, so if it doesn't come up, that's why.

You will get an email like something along these lines, and not much below that, there will be an activation code, and a link to the page where you can activate your code!
Wow, you're just about ready to play the game!

Before you follow these next steps!

Be wary. You have to be logged in to follow these steps or you won't get to play Club Penguin 3D!
You must be logged in.
This is where you should end up once logged in. Wow! Great work - you're, like, a few steps away.
If you play on a Mac, obviously use the Mac OS option.
If you use Windows 64 Bit, still use the 32 bit! It works just as well and is compatible.

Once clicking on either of these, it will bring you here, or something similar. Just download everything. Download it all! Muahaha.
One unfortunate thing with this game is when you try to launch something in it, it says it is a virus. But it's not, trust me. Just maybe because it's on Unity it may warn you before using it. It's definitely not a virus.

Then, you should find the folder just by typing in 'clu' into the search bar. You'll want to click on 'compressed folder.'

When in, it'll warn you about it being 'untrusted' but trust me, it's not. You'll have folders that seperated themselves, and you just want to click on the folder 'Club Penguin 3D' at the side.

Double click the 'Updater' with the penguin's face! It will then warn you that this could be a virus, which it is NOT a virus at all. Run it, it'll update! Note; you HAVE to update the Updater whenever there's a new update.

Once at this state, just enter your username and password! Usernames are also case-sensitive, so if you had your username as Herbert instead of 'herbert', then you MUST enter it correctly - that includes the capital letter.

Welcome to Club Penguin 3D! You are now an official member! Also good news - nothing in this game costs anything as far as I know yet, but they may have plans in the future! Currently the game may feel a bit boring, but you just wait until the new content they have planned... it'll surprise you like MAD!

Signed by,



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